Netværksmøde for solomødre

Network for Solo Mothers

Several solo mothers who have had children / children with the use of donor sperm have told us that they would like to get in touch with others in the same situation.

The solo mother groups are for women who have been in fertility treatment, are in fertility treatment or are planning to start fertility treatment. They are an informal and confidential forum. Of course, it is voluntary to participate.

Approximately every two months we offer a non-committal "start-up meeting" in the Fertility Clinic Trianglen.

Those who wish to continue to meet in solos groups can then themselves arrange future meetings outside of Trianglen's direction.

Next meeting

Please see date on our Danish site.

Next meeting is listed on our Danish site.

The meetings are in Danish.
We will be present to explain the framework for the solo mothers groups. After the meeting, we will prepare a mailing list, which will be sent to anyone who has shown an interest in continuing in the group.

In addition, a convener for the next meeting is appointed.

In order for everyone to make the most of the meetings, we have set the number of participants to a maximum of 16 people. We serve coffee, tea and some cookies.

If this is of interest to you, do not hesitate to contact the Fertility Clinic Trianglen's nurses to hear more. To secure a seat please registration / cancellation must be done by or Email:

We look forward to seeing you for a couple of cozy hours.