Secure email server
For confidentiality reasons and because we handle all personal data according to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), all email correspondence containing personal data must take place over our secure mail server
Below please find links to secretaries, laboratory, nurses, doctors etc
When you use the links below you will be directed to our secure email server. The 'Subject' field on the secure email server contains information about who you are writing to. Please do not erase this information. You may add information about the subject in the 'Subject' field.
Please use the links below to send Secure email to:
Trianglen Secretaries
Trianglen - International Team (use this mail if you live outside Denmark)
Trianglen Laboratory
Trianglen - Laboratory Follow-up (use this to send messages about continued storage of frozen embryos, sperm and oocytes / eggs)
Trianglen - Transport (used only for distribution and export of blastocysts and sperm out of DK)
Trianglen Nurses
Trianglen Oocyte donation team
Trianglen - Dr. Kåre Rygaard, Fertility Specialist, Head of Clinic
Trianglen - Dr. Anna Oldenburg, Fertility Specialist
Trianglen - Dr. Bettina Breitowicz, Fertility Specialist
Trianglen - Dr. Christina Norrbom, Fertility Specialist
Trianglen - Dr. Torur Dalsgaard, Fertility Specialist
Trianglen - Dr. Kirstine Sneider, Fertility Specialist
Trianglen - Dr. Tanja Roien Jakobsen, Fertility Specialist